All Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact, Ranked Weakest to Strongest

Genshin Impact is an anime-inspired game with a complex and interesting combat system. The different elemental powers each have their own strengths, weaknesses, frames of attack and combo chains. This guide will break down the best combos for all eight elemental powers in order to help players learn how to fight effectively.

The “genshin impact best element reactions” is a list of the different elemental reactions in Genshin Impact. The list ranks the weakest to strongest, so that players can find their desired reaction for the game.

All Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact, Ranked Weakest to Strongest

The seven parts that make up Teyvat’s foundations allow those who comprehend them to overcome it as well. Each element has a distinct response to the others, and Genshin’s battle system relies heavily on these interactions. While each response has a function and has a place in your team, understanding what each one contributes to the table is crucial. With that in mind, in this guide, we’ll go through the greatest and strongest elemental reactions in Genshin Impact, rating them from least to most potent.

We’ll go through the impacts of each response, when to employ it, and which team compositions are best for it.

Sunmilk, a Genshin Impact streamer, made a nice Elemental Reaction chart that you can see here, which summarizes all of the reactions.

Let’s start with the worst elemental reaction and work our way up to our number one choice.


(Pyro + Electro) Overloaded

Overloaded, the most lackluster of all the reactions, is at the top of our list.

Despite its name and visual appearance of generating an explosion, this response is by far the least beneficial and, potentially, the most harmful.

Overload-1024x604 Screenshot of the Overloaded Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

To begin with, Overloaded damage does not crit. Given that the majority of Genshin Impact’s suggested team compositions center upon dealing enormous crit damage, Overloaded’s utility is already extremely limited.

It’s made worse by the fact that only one instance of Overloaded may be used. Only one Overloaded response will produce harm if many Overloaded reactions are activated at the same time.

While the reaction’s AoE explosion covers a large area, it also tends to scatter most tiny foes in numerous directions.

You have to follow after the enemy that were sent flying, which prevents you from setting up another Overloaded response (or any AoE strike) to hit them all again. This becomes an evident difficulty in Genshin, as it is optimal to gather adversaries and nuke them all at once.

Main Use: Overloaded comes in handy early on in the game while you’re still learning the ropes, since it strikes hard and may be used to spread out foes and allow yourself some breathing space. It can also destroy Geo shielding, although there are usually better methods to do it (like just using a claymore).

Overloaded is primarily simply a bonus response at higher levels in specific team compositions when you’re passively applying Electro/Pyro or the adversary is naturally infused with one of the two components. If you’re playing characters like Raiden, Beidou, or Thoma, you’ll notice this the most.

You’re more likely to stagger huge adversaries with this response than any other, thus it’s a bit of a specialized use. However, the value of this ability is often countered by the fact that difficult foes are resistant to CC.


(Cryo + Electro) Superconductor

The Superconduct reaction is next on our list. When you use this response, your target will take a burst of AoE Cryo damage, similar to Overloaded.

Superconduct-1024x595 Screenshot of the Superconduct Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

Superconduct, on the other hand, is graded higher since it does not knock foes away. If several Superconduct reactions are triggered at the same time, foes will receive two occurrences of damage. Finally, it lowers the physical resistance of all afflicted opponents by 40% for 12 seconds.

This sounds fantastic! Why is it so low on the list?

The basic damage on Superconduct, on the other hand, is rather minimal. Even if two instances are triggered, the harm will be less than one Overloaded. It, like Overloaded, is unable to crit.

Unfortunately, the Cryo explosion that results does not apply Cryo to adversaries touched by it. It would be immeasurably better if it could induce chain elemental reactions, but it tragically fails to do so.

Finally, most teams are unaffected by the physical resistance debuff. It’s always wonderful to do more physical damage, but physical damage builds underperform by a significant amount when compared to more strong elemental responses.

Furthermore, elemental damage does not count as physical damage, even if it is provided by physical strikes. It’s a shame, as we all know.

Superconduct is mostly used when you’re playing a character that is primarily focused on doing physical damage. Characters with the Pale Flame/Finale Gladiator’s artifact sets, for example, will benefit considerably from the damage bonus.

Otherwise, you’ll generally only notice the response as a result of chance when the two components are fighting each other. When auto-attacking, just think of it as a little additional damage.

However, it’s worth noting that one particularly effective team combination, centered on Eula and Raiden, thrives on Superconduct. You may be able to do some real stuff with this response if you have both characters.


(Geo + Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo) crystallize

Crystalize is a protective response, thus it’s a bit of a one-of-a-kind reaction. When you employ a Geo attack against an adversary who has been infused with another element, this happens.

Crystallize-1024x616 Screenshot of the Crystalize Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

An elemental crystal matching to the infused element will emerge nearby, providing you with a 15-second shield if you pick it up. This shield absorbs a certain amount of damage, which scales with the character’s level and elemental mastery.

It’s also 2.5 times more resistant to the related element’s harm (e.g. Pyro shield takes less damage from Pyro attacks, takes normal damage from everything else).

Unfortunately, if you strike an Anemo, Dendro, or Geo opponent, no crystal will develop. The Dendro case, on the other hand, may alter in the future if it becomes a playable element.

Crystalize is considered lower among the elemental reactions since it gives no direct damage increase and possibly devalues developing elemental mastery on Geo characters. Having access to a shield, on the other hand, may be quite valuable in soaking opponent assaults and continuing to do damage.

Main Use: When dealing with adversaries that spam elemental strikes, Crystalize comes in handy. To acquire the right shield, make sure they’re infused with the element they’re utilizing then strike them with a Geo attack.

When these shields are used correctly, they may effectively render you uninterruptible, allowing you to easily perform your combo strikes without being pushed about or needing to dodge.

You may even have many Crystalize crystals lying about (they last 17.5 seconds each) and pick one up when your current shield expires.

Yes, as well. If you have the Geo resonance bonus active, the Crystalize shields will activate it.


(Electro + Hydro) Electro-Charged

Electro-Charged is our ultimate Electro reaction. When you combine Hydro and Electro, a damage-over-time (DoT) effect is applied to your adversaries.

Electro-Charged-1024x555 Screenshot of the Electro-Charged Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

The DoT does a startling amount of damage throughout the course of its duration, and it ticks every second to deliver extra damage. Furthermore, it will arc and deliver damage to surrounding Hydro-infused foes without infusing them with Electro.

Unfortunately, this reaction’s damage does not crit, but it compensates in other ways.

The most appealing aspect of this response is that it infuses affected opponents with both Electro and Hydro. If you add a third ingredient that interacts with both of them, you may cause multiple responses.

Yes, Swirl will be used to apply both components (more on that later).

By now, you’ve probably observed that electrochemical processes are at the bottom of the list. There’s a reason why Electro is regarded as the weakest element by the majority of the society.

Main Use: Because Electro-Charged is a DoT-based reaction, it might be difficult to gauge how much damage it truly does. Its presence is most noticeable while battling adversaries near or in bodies of water, since you’ll electrocute the region as well.

Because the damage swings back and forth between the affected, it’s ideal for spreading out the damage you’re giving to all foes in the vicinity but still targeting a particular target first.

Due to its dual elemental infusion, however, its most effective usage is to build up a significantly more lethal chain of events. If done right with certain team compositions, getting a Freeze/Superconduct or Vaporize/Overloaded combination may be lethal.


Pyro + Dendro = Pyro + Dendro = Pyro + Dendro = Pyro + Dendro = Py

Because Dendro is not yet a playable element and just a few adversaries use it, this one will be a little shorter than the others.

Burning-1024x644 Screenshot of the Burning Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

Burning, on the other hand, does a lot of damage and eats away at your health like nothing else. Once Dendro is filled out further, we anticipate it to be one of the most powerful responses.

When Burning is on you, you’ll notice it more. If this is the case, we highly advise temporarily switching to a different character.

Simply employ a Pyro attack on a Dendro-infused adversary and watch them flail as they attempt to extinguish themselves. Dendro slimes are particularly prone to this. They’ll almost certainly run about and spread the fire to the surrounding area as well.

Burning is triggered while you’re fighting a Dendro adversary. Reapply as required as you sit back and watch them perish. Dendro also refers to the wooden shields wielded by the large Hilichurls. They should be burned.


(Cryo + Hydro) Frozen

Frozen would be towards the bottom of our list if this response could be entirely isolated. When used, it delivers no harm and just “pauses” the adversary.

Frozen-1024x591 Screenshot of the Frozen Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

We say pause since the enemy’s activity is not staggered or reset. If you freeze an adversary in the middle of a swing, the attack will resume where it left off as soon as Frozen wears off.

Isn’t it a little pointless?

It is, however, one of the finest responses for building up enormous damage with Melt while delivering just enough CC on the adversary if done correctly.

The adversary will be affected with the Cryo condition for a few seconds after triggering Frozen, regardless of how long the Frozen state lasts. You’ll have plenty of time to do anything you want with it.

Shatter may also be triggered by a severe strike on Frozen foes (through claymore attacks, diving attacks, explosions, and Geo damage).

Shatter, in contrast to elemental damage, provides a burst of physical damage. Shatter does not scale with physical damage (but does with elemental mastery…), which is unfortunate. As a result, it’s a little underwhelming.

Shatter, on the other hand, is one of the best methods to deal with Hydro shields, which are famously tough to break compared to other shields.

Main Use: As previously stated, Frozen is best employed to set up Melt reactions owing to how simple it is to keep foes in the Cryo state using Frozen. You can also use it to trap an adversary in place so that you may either avoid an attack or gain time to build up a more deadly combination.

There’s one team setup in particular, Morgana (named after the LoL champion notorious for her CC), that depends on perma-freezing your opponents. We suggest checking it up if you have Mona and Ganyu.

Remember to use a Frozen/Shatter combination to break the Hydro Abyss Mages’ shields!


Swirl (Anemo + Pyro/Hydro/Cryo/Electro) Swirl (Anemo + Pyro/Hydro/Cryo/Electro) Swirl (Anemo

Finally, we’ve arrived to Swirl, the finest elemental response for support and setup in Genshin Impact. When you employ an Anemo strike against an adversary who has been infused with another element, this response happens.

Swirl-1024x643 Screenshot of the Swirl Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact

The non-Anemo element is absorbed by the Swirl, which causes two occurrences of damage to the adversary.

The first is Swirl damage, which scales with a character’s level/elemental mastery and cannot be critted.

The absorbed element, on the other hand, may crit and scales with all of the standard damage modifiers (attack, elemental damage bonuses, crit damage, etc.).

The absorbed element will also affect all targets struck by the Swirl attack, and it may cause various elemental reactions (which scale with the Anemo character’s attributes).

Because most Anemo abilities have a broad AoE area, it’s quite simple to disseminate elemental conditions. Even more so when you consider that the most popular Anemo heroes all feature a vortex-like ability that draws foes in close for simple AoE assaults.

The amazing 4-piece bonus from the Viridescent Venerer artifact set adds to Swirl’s effectiveness. It also decreases the enemy’s resistance to the absorbed element by 40% for 10 seconds, in addition to increasing your Anemo and Swirl damage! It’s so wonderful that every Anemo character considers it to be the finest artifact set.

Swirl may be used in two different ways. The first is to inflict elemental status effects on a large number of adversaries (and usually group them up). The elemental resistance shred from the Viridescent Venerer artifact set is the second option.

This lets you to switch to your team’s primary DPS character and unleash yet another devastating elemental response (we recommend Melt or Vaporize in nearly all cases). Just make sure the character is the same element as the Swirl element you just absorbed.


(Cryo + Pyro) Melt

We’re down to our last two elemental reactions, and there’s hardly a difference between them. Fortunately, they’re quite simple damage multipliers.

Melt-1024x631 Screenshot of the Melt Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

This is one of two reactions in which the sequence in which the ingredients are applied is important.

To gain a 2x damage modifier, apply Cryo first, then trigger the reaction with Pyro.

You’ll only receive a 1.5x damage modifier if you conduct a Reverse Melt first and then apply Pyro.

Melt will deliver a significant amount of damage regardless of the sequence in which you activate it. It will, at the very least, do more harm than any of the lower-ranking responses thus far.

Even better, the damage has the ability to crit and is influenced by all of the standard damage modifiers (attack, elemental damage bonuses, crit damage, etc.).

Damage is the primary application. It’s all about causing massive amounts of damage in Melt. Despite the fact that Reverse Melt does less damage, the kits of available characters make it easier to set up.

Ganyu is particularly impressive, since she can perform two Reverse Melt reactions with a single fully charged arrow hit (it applies Cryo twice).

Using Kaeya with Diluc is another excellent technique to set up a typical Melt reaction. Kaeya’s ability cooldown is rather short, and his burst may apply Cryo consistently. It’s ideal for getting Diluc’s Pyro application up and running.


(Pyro + Hydro) Vaporize

Finally, we’ve arrived to the most powerful response in Genshin Impact on our list. Vaporize is almost similar in setup and function as Melt, but we have to give it a higher rating since it’s simpler to keep foes in Hydro condition to set up another Vaporize response.

Vaporize-1024x649 Screenshot of the Vaporize Elemental Reaction in Genshin Impact Image courtesy of HGG / Jeffrey Hsu / miHoYo

The fact that Xingqiu is in the game and is the finest off-field Hydro applier in the game greatly aids this. Unfortunately, there is no comparable for Cryo.

The sequence in which the ingredients are applied is important, just as it is in Melt.

If Pyro is used first and Hydro initiates the reaction, Vaporize gets a 2x damage modifier. The multiplier for a Reverse Vaporize, when Hydro is applied first, is 1.5x.

The damage may crit once more, and it is influenced by all of the regular damage modifiers.

Vaporize, like Melt, is all about causing harm. The great thing about triggering Vaporize is that it doesn’t instantly remove an enemy’s Hydro condition, enabling you to get a second Vaporize off if you apply Pyro soon enough.

As previously said, Xingqiu is the best support for applying Hydro because of his skill and burst, which allows him to apply the element without having to be on the field. Combine him with someone like Hu Tao and you’ll be laughing hysterically as your foes’ health bars vanish in the face of your assault.

Be a part of the High Ground

That concludes our guide to Genshin Impact’s finest elemental responses. As you go around Teyvat, we hope you have a better grasp of the regulations that govern it. Please subscribe and leave a note below if you have any questions or comments.

Watch This Video-

Genshin Impact is an RTS game. In the game, there are a variety of elemental reactions that can be used to create powerful combos for your units. This article will rank them from weakest to strongest. Reference: genshin impact best synergy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most weakest element in Genshin Impact?

A: The most weak element in Genshin Impact is the enemys defense.

Which elemental reaction is the strongest Genshin?

A: The strongest fire Genshin reaction is Red.

What are the best elements in Genshin Impact?

A: The best elements in Genshin Impact are the characters, story, and boss fights.

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