
Single Men – A Guide to a Healthier Lifestyle

In this short article, we debunk the myth that single men are simply waiting for the next relationship; while this might be the case for some men, there is a growing number of Australian males who are single by choice and if you are living a solo lifestyle and are happy about your status, here are a few tips to help you make your lifestyle healthier.

– Take up a sport – Working out can be tedious and if you dread the gym, why not take up a sport like footie or soccer? Sport provides an essential avenue for positive energy, which is something we all need in our lives. Spending a few hours every week doing something you love will maintain a positive outlook while also keeping you fit.

– Finding a partner – Even if you are looking to meet your soulmate, the best way forward is to take things as they come. If you have a high sex drive, order one of the Fleshlight products and you won’t be distracted by physical urges. Be honest and upfront when you meet single females and don’t have expectations; if you are meant to be together, it will be so.


– Substance abuse – Single guys are open to many temptations, including illegal substances and alcohol. While there’s nothing wrong with social drinking, you do need to draw a line and have the discipline to stick to that. Drugs are freely available, despite being illegal and even though you may be aware that drug use can lead to major problems, it is easy to drift into a habit. Don’t bow to peer pressure; if you have friends who are using, perhaps it is time to find a new crowd to hang with.

– Eating a balanced diet – Perhaps it is time to take an honest look at your diet; if fast food is in the picture, make it a monthly thing. If you are overweight, diet and exercise can sort that out. If you would say you are reasonably fit, everything in moderation is really all you need as a guideline. Click here for tips on creating a balanced life.

– Goal-setting – We tend to perform better when we have goals in our sights; sit down with a sheet of A4 paper, draw a line down the centre and create short and long-term goals. Make your goals realistic and achievable and give yourself a timeline in which to achieve said goals.


Mental health used to be something that men don’t talk about; gladly this is changing and there are solutions in the form of online mental health counselling.

In order to live a happy life, you need to have at least one passion in life, if not more. Try to extract as much pleasure from every passing moment and focus on positive things. Your overall health & well-being should be paramount in your mind and if you have the foresight to recognise negativity, you can take steps to remove it from your life.