
Elder Scrolls Online’s Deadlands DLC launches November 1 on PC, hits 19M players

Elder Scrolls Online’s latest expansion, Deadlands, is set to release on November 1. The new land will be a part of the Orsinium DLC and will introduce a new PvP mode called Battlegrounds. The eso deadlands dlc release date is Elder Scrolls Online’s new DLC coming out November 1. With 19 million players, the game

Elder Scrolls Online’s Deadlands DLC launches November 1 on PC, hits 19M players Read More »

Conan Exiles is cracking down on toxicity and sploits on official servers

Conan Exiles is one of the most popular games on Steam, with over 1 million players. The game has been plagued by cheating and hacks since launch, but developer Funcom has recently taken steps to combat this problem. Conan Exiles is cracking down on toxicity and sploits on official servers. They are implementing new changes

Conan Exiles is cracking down on toxicity and sploits on official servers Read More »